baseurl = "" # End your URL with a `/` trailing slash. title = "Flowering and climate change in trees" copyright = "© 2016 Bénédicte Wenden" theme = "academic" enableEmoji = true footnotereturnlinkcontents = "^" # Enable comments by entering your Disqus shortname disqusShortname = "" # Enable analytics by entering your Google Analytics tracking ID googleAnalytics = "" # Default language to use (if you setup multilingual support) defaultContentLanguage = "en" defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = false [blackfriday] hrefTargetBlank = true [params] name = "Bénédicte Wenden" role = "Junior Researcher" organization = "Inra" organization_url = "" gravatar = false # Get your avatar from (true/false) avatar = "portrait.jpg" # Specify an avatar image (in `static/img/` folder) or delete value to disable avatar. email = "" address = "71 Avenue Edouard Bourlaux, F-33140 Villenave-d'Ornon, France" office_hours = "" phone = "" skype = "" telegram = "" # Enable Keybase in Contact section by entering your username. keybase = "" # Date format (refer to Go's date format: ) # Examples: "Mon, Jan 2, 2006" or "2006-01-02" date_format = "Mon, Jan 2, 2006" # Enable global LaTeX math rendering? # If false, you can enable it locally on a per page basis. math = false # Highlight.js options # highlight # Enable global source code highlighting? If false, you can # override it for a particular page in that page's preamble. # # Example: highlight = true # # highlight_languages # Add support for highlighting additional languages. Support for # languages mentioned here will be included in all pages. You # can also set this variable for a particular page in that # page's preamble. # # Example: highlight_languages = ["go", "lisp", "ocaml"] # # highlight_style # Choose a different CSS style for highlighting source # code. Setting this option in a page's preamble has no # effect. # # Example: highlight_style = "github-gist" # # highlight_version # Choose the version of highlight.js you want. Setting this # option in a page's preamble has no effect. # # Example: highlight_version = "9.9.0" # # For the list of supported languages, styles, and versions, see: # # # For more info on the highlighting options, see: # highlight = true highlight_languages = [] # highlight_style = "github" # highlight_version = "9.9.0" # Enable native social sharing buttons? sharing = true # Link custom CSS and JS assets # (relative to /static/css and /static/js respectively) custom_css = [] custom_js = [] # Publication types. # Used to categorize publications. # The index of the publication type in the list is used as its unique numerical identifier. # The numeric ID is used in a publication's frontmatter to categorize it. # The language can be edited below. # For multi-lingual sites, copy this block to each language section at the end of this file. publication_types = [ 'Uncategorized', # 0 'Conference proceedings', # 1 'Journal', # 2 'Work in progress', # 3 'Technical report', # 4 'Book', # 5 'Book chapter' # 6 ] # Social/Academic Networking # # Icon pack "fa" includes the following social network icons: # # twitter, weibo, linkedin, github, facebook, pinterest, google-plus, # youtube, instagram, soundcloud # # For email icon, use "fa" icon pack, "envelope" icon, and # "" as the link. # # Full list: # # Icon pack "ai" includes the following academic network icons: # # google-scholar, arxiv, orcid, researchgate, mendeley # # Full list: [[]] icon = "envelope" icon_pack = "fa" link = "" [[]] icon = "twitter" icon_pack = "fa" link = "" [[]] icon = "google-scholar" icon_pack = "ai" link = "" [[]] icon = "github" icon_pack = "fa" link = "//" # Navigation Links # To link a homepage widget, specify the URL as a hash `#` followed by the filename of the # desired widget in your `content/home/` folder. # The weight parameter defines the order that the links will appear in. [[menu.main]] name = "Home" url = "#about" weight = 1 [[menu.main]] name = "Publications" url = "#publications_selected" weight = 2 [[menu.main]] name = "Posts" url = "#posts" weight = 3 [[menu.main]] name = "Projects" url = "#projects" weight = 4 [[menu.main]] name = "Teaching" url = "#teaching" weight = 5 [[menu.main]] name = "Contact" url = "#contact" weight = 6 # Taxonomies. [taxonomies] tag = "tags" category = "categories" publication_type = "publication_types" # Languages # Create a [languages.X] block for each language you want, where X is the language ID. # Configure the English version of the website. [languages.en] languageCode = "en-us"