Bibliographie et bonnes pratiques sur l'innovation ouverte
Voir la
bibliographie partagée du projet Erasmus+ INOS 
, en particulier le tag
Ce projet a produit un rapport destiné aux universités et établissements d'enseignement supérieur : "
Guidelines on designing, implementing and evaluating open innovation activities 
Bonnes pratiques
- Earth Hacks
works with college students to host 48-hour environmental hackathons focused on creating innovative, equitable, and just solutions to the climate crisis
- Plan-It Earth
is a free annual ideathon at Georgetown University that brings together students, experts, and practitioners from throughout the DMV area to generate solutions to critical environmental challenges
- Duke Blueprint Ideathon
brings the energy and extremely fast pace of hackathons to students of all academic backgrounds from Duke University, especially those who are intimidated by the technology focus of other events, to generate blueprints for solutions to the world's most pressing issues